Summer Traditions

Gave That Summer TraditionsSummer Traditions DIY Sailor Bracelets to natural bug repellent recipes
After such a hard freeze this past winter here in the Mid-Atlantic the early summery temperatures has equaled some major MIA time. This spring garnered seeing all of my family more than I've been with them in the past two years combined, commuting by bike again after 4 months off and reveling in the scent of fresh roses and honeysuckle mingling in the breeze. All of which I'm eternally thankful for!

It also dawned on me that many of the things going on behind the scenes around here have already been featured on the blog. They've become a sort of tradition which definitely feel good to look forward to and finally get working on. That includes everything from being surprised by the first white water lily of the season to gathering roses to replenish a dwindling supply of organic rose water (so good for prickly heat and too much sun!). Here are a few more favorites:
  • Gathering extra rose petals for creating rose perfumes with a hint of chocolate and vanilla

Wishing everyone a lovely summer season, let's make the best of it! -M

p.s... find out how summer time tastes around here with some favorite recipes.

Image: mam for Gave That


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