Sending Care Packages
Care packages are something that seem welcome almost any time of year but especially now as so many are away at sleep away camp or making their way back to school campuses. After talking to many getting ready or already there the top wish was a simple box of goodies through the mail. A few plump letters with all the details from back home would be nice too they said, a little sheepishly. So here's how to quickly put together a care package from scratch and a few lessons learned about shipping in high heat and overseas. One or the Other One major lesson learned that still haunts me to this day is sending care packages that mixed bars or soap with candies such as M&M's. While M&M's are almost always a good idea because they were originally designed not to melt the soap on the other hand, in high heat of summer, can bake into anything edible. Soapy candy, yuck! Slightly cruel too so now it's always two boxes or a box devoted to one thing. Food or toilet...