DIY Simmer Pot Recipe

The Recipe
- Dried jasmine flowers or 10 drops of jasmine essential oil
- Rose petals or 5 drops of rose essential oil
- 4 Tablespoons pure vanilla extract or 2 whole vanilla beans
- 5 drops of benzion or 2 teaspoons benzoin powder
- A few sprigs of eucalyptus or 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
- 10 drops of musk oil (here I'm using C.O. Bigelow's musk oil which is heavenly in itself)
- A few cups of water
- An old pot
Swirl everything together in the pot and keep topping up with fresh water as the steam evaporates. This is especially nice near a fireplace or on a radiator but be careful not to let it burn or scorch.
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Image: mam for Gave That