The Air Plant Shop

The Air Plant Shop kindly sent over their Mexican collection of plants which ended up being perfect for this Día de los Muertos themed dinner party this past weekend. They gave a lot of information on caring for air plants as well... despite their name they can't live on air alone:
Keeping Air Plants Alive >

A few years ago at the beach there were little air plants in seashells everywhere, often sold as magnets. Buying a few it wasn't until I got back home that it became very apparent they were dead. The people selling them had signs posted that they only needed air... not quite.
Peeling back the tissue paper from the Air Plant Shop it was immediately obvious how healthy their plants were even before I soaked them in a dish of water for 30 minutes, as per their instructions. Thankfully a full book on caring for your Tillandsia comes with each order. Their Mexico collection also shows how varied air plants can be from another. The Xerographia for instance is huge while the Ionantha Mexican can be turned into so many different living favors.
While only needing to be watered once a week and no need for dirt makes these great plants for offices and brown thumbs, they do need bright indoor or indirect sunlight. They also need those soakings since that's how they get nutrients and they're leaves need to dry before dark. A light misting with water isn't enough. Because of this, hanging them in inaccessible spots or putting them in a terrarium who's look you don't want disturbed can be problematic. One really cool part about air plants is they can grow pups and form whole new plants if well cared for. A gift that keeps giving!
Browse the Air Plant Shop's collection here. Carefully wrapped they came perfect for the DIY projects above and our living centerpiece.See them in action here too.
Image: mam for Gave That