On Drying Flowers

Drying flowers and herbs for DIY gift ideas by Gift Style Blog Gave ThatCreating Handmade Gifts out of Dried Flowers clockwise from the top Corn Husk Flowers Moist Potpourri Floral Oils and Dried Floral Gift Topper
Hanging dried flowers by Gift Style Blog Gave That
Over the weekend it felt good to get into the garden and see how things were coming. Home grown is sometimes the best and I've long felt that way about dried flowers and herbs. They're organic and so pungent when they pop out of that rich composted soil. Then it's off to a very low oven, spread out on brown paper or left in the sun outside to dry. If they become a little too brittle, a few sprays of water brings them back around and helps them keep their shape (especially good for rose bouquets).

So versatile and useful for quick gifts, a few favorite recipes for DIY-ing gifts with the aromatic results include making little corn husk flowers, Victorian moist potpourri which lasts for ages in small crocks, floral flavored oils and as pretty beauty bath concoctions. This summer has been lovely but little things such as this make me crave autumn more and more!

Image: mam for Gave That


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