Serving Aperitifs

Favorite Aperitifs
Vermouth with an olive (dry or sweet)
Champagne with wild strawberries (or a touch of Toschi Fragoli)
Champagne with a touch of Liqueur de Violette (violet syrup)
Champagne with a touch of Liqueur de Violette (violet syrup)
Cream sherry
Dry Madeira
Honey infused beer
Sangria with lots of fresh fruit
Sangria with lots of fresh fruit
Non-alcoholic Aperitifs
Green tea ginger ale (with candied ginger garnish)
PS... a hostess gift to think about for a fellow (or new) Aperitifs devote could be tiny sherry glasses &/or beer tasting glasses as shown above. Also for a way to cool down simple flavored wine Aperitifs see the previous post on HOST's Chill pour spot.
Image: mam for Gave That