Serving Aperitifs

Serving Aperitifs To Guests
One of the loveliest things I've ever been served was an Aperitifs of Champagne with the tiniest of dollops of vanilla ice cream before brunch. From then on, over the years, it's been a quest to discover different Aperitifs and put them back in place of cocktails with strong liquor which dulls the taste buds and can ruin all the hard work in the kitchen. Not only are Aperitifs petite sips in tiny glasses, just enough before the meal, but they were also designed to aid the digestion with bitters, gingers, flavored wine and cleanse the palette. Here are a few absolute favorites, in addition to the Champagne & ice cream, to date grouped together above:


Favorite Aperitifs

Vermouth with an olive (dry or sweet) 

Champagne with wild strawberries (or a touch of Toschi Fragoli)

Champagne with a touch of Liqueur de Violette (violet syrup)

Cream sherry

Dry Madeira

Honey infused beer

Sangria with lots of fresh fruit

Non-alcoholic Aperitifs

Green tea ginger ale (with candied ginger garnish)

PS... a hostess gift to think about for a fellow (or new) Aperitifs devote could be tiny sherry glasses &/or beer tasting glasses as shown above. Also for a way to cool down simple flavored wine Aperitifs see the previous post on HOST's Chill pour spot.

Image: mam for Gave That


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