
mam for gift blog gave that making an orange pomander
Something about the scent of oranges always brings up memories of Christmas mam for gift blog gave that Royal Apothic room fragrancemam for gift blog gave that dl co signature candle

Today is incredibly brisk which made me think immediately about the impending holidays and all the corresponding scents that go with them (happy, happy, joy, joy!). Namely juicy, spicy, warm orange. Some projects to start on now include making little orange pomanders (see my how-to here) and candles out of the peels. Dusted with powders (cinnamon, nutmeg and orris root), pricked with dried cloves and allowed to cure (shrink) they form hard balls of perfume that last for years.

For something a little more instant I'll swoon yet again for the heady Distillation of: A Venetian Grove by Royal Apothic (past swooning can be seen here)... a room fragrance that makes everything seem like an Orangery and D.L. & Co.'s signature candles which are always too delicious for words. More orangeness to come!

Image: MAM for Gave That

Also see:
- Modern Alchemy


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