Book of Shadows

mam for gave that modern alchemy candle gift set book boxmam for gave that modern alchemy candle gift set with Brothel Secret Society Tincture of Winchester Cake Walk Salemmam for gave that modern alchemy d l co candles on old book john derian coasters

Infatuated with all of the gift sets that come housed in faux books. This one by favorite Modern Alchemy comes stuffed with sought after candles inside. This one has Brothel a berried Peru Balsam scent, Secret Society which is thoroughly herbal and lemony, Tincture of Winchester which incredibly enough smells like a freshly fired gun mixed with smokey Piñon, Cake Walk purely a straight up vanilla birthday cake and Salem smells like a sooty fireplace or something having been charred.

Candles: Modern Alchemy & Memento Mori Black Skull Candle
Old Book: Paper Blanks journal
Coasters: John Derian

Image: MAM for Gave That


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