DIY Orange Candles

Another DIY project down! Orange candles made out of actual orange peels have been mesmerizing all over tumblr and pinterest but I wanted to try another method to make them. Digging out the good old gel wax, last seen being used in tea cup luminaries, these blood orange candles were born. Really simple, here's how to do it too:

- Oranges (the bigger the better and a thick rind it helpful too)
- Wicks (waxed)
- Gel wax
- Glass container to melt wax in, knife
How To Do It:
1) Pick a nice large, plump orange out.
2) Cut the orange rind in half around the middle and use a knife &/or fingers to separate the peel from the fruit.
3) Place the wick inside the middle of the peel. A glue dot can help hold it in place.
4) Melt the gel wax according to the brands instructions and pour into the orange peel bowl until it reaches the lip. Let cool and set up.
5) Trim wick and enjoy. As with all gel wax candles I would only burn for a few minutes at a time and never leave unattended. Placing in a shallow dish of water is pretty too.

Image: mam for Gave That