Something that came as a real pleasant surprise was one of the top New Year's resolutions people made last year...
helping others to release their dreams. Resolutions seem pretty plum for gift giving in general as most people are rather vocal about their goals. So this year you'll find a gift guide with some top picks for helping them and maybe yourself too! Cutting images out and pasting them to canvases to create dream/vision boards was one way, made all the more fun and meaningful, by doing it together over a cuppa.
Resolution no. 1 -
Juicing & Eating More Fruits & Vegetables
Resolution no. 2 -
Drink More Water!
Resolution no. 3 -
Eat Cleaner - Better
Resolution no. 4 -
Get Better Skin
Resolution no. 5 -
Ride my bike more
Image: mam for Gave That