Drink More Water! - Resolution # 2

Goal for the New Year Drink More Water and here are a few gift ideas to get that going
One of my biggest resolutions this year (and all to come) is to either drink more water or be sure to drink enough. There is such a noticeable difference in how much work I can finish or the amount of exercise that can be mustered through when dehydration is kept away. That and those pesky headaches! Here are a few favorites that have really helped stay the course on this goal and could make for a nice just because offering to someone else trying to do the same:

A PurifiCup is a portable water purifier... see it in action and my review here.
My favorite bottled water, Vitamin Water really does make a huge difference on long bike rides back.
Coconut water is said to be more hydrating than water, love the flavor and the boost it gives on long walks.
A reusable ThermaLuxe reusable thermal water bottle by Polar Bottle.

Keep reading for more resolutions and matching gift ideas...

Image: mam for Gave That


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