DIY Kiss Kiss Wrapping Paper
- Two pieces of wax freezer paper
- Lipstick (liquid lip stains worked best, here I used Physicians Formula & Revlon Lip Balm Stains)
- An iron
- Ribbon (optional)
How To Do It:
Coat the pucker and kiss, kiss, kiss. After the lip prints have dried a bit (a hair dryer can help speed this up), sandwich the kisses between another sheet of wax paper.
Setting an iron on a low setting gently glide it over the wax paper so the two sheets become fused together and more translucent. Allow the paper to cool back down and you're done! It's ready for wrapping. This also works with the ironing as well for a more muted effect.
To amp it up even more, clear or red glitter nail polish can be painted on top of the lip prints here and there.
Image: mam for Gave That