A Little Note

The outpouring from those wanting to help after Hurricane Sandy has been incredibly heartening to see. People have really come together here in amazing ways to help one another and it's this grassroots effort that I've personally seen make the most difference so far. Still the amount of damage, the lack of heat and electricity for many still is very concerning and has left people feeling alone and helpless.

One bright spot that I wanted to pass on to everyone is the good old post. A day or two after Sandy hit the mail carriers were back making their rounds and even opened dark post offices devoid of heat to except packages. This is while many stores remain closed, even now. Sending something lovely from The Withered Herb, a little box of cupcakes or wine is totally doable. Someone once told me the nicest thing someone did for them, despite their being out of the country, was order and have a pizza delivered to them. Sometimes I think people remember loving gestures more in bad times than in good.

Already I've put together a post on my personal favorites for care packages, which can be found here and little things to make guests feel extra welcome in your home. Also see more on holding a charity dinner at home here to raise funds for relief efforts.

Stay safe and warm! More soon.


Image: mam for Gave That


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