
Red rooibos tea and a paper face mask for detoxing after the holidays

Months ago I started putting together a little kit similar to the Spa in a Box, only this would be for detoxing after the holidays. All that rushing around along with cup after cup of tiramisu flavored hot chocolate, sweet potato pie, chocolate... lot's of chocolate, candy coated popcorn and huge hot soft pretzels. The list goes on and on and while it was heavenly at the time, the result is splotchy skin all over. Black under the eyes. Dehydration galore.

Immediately returning to lots of salads, avocados, bean burgers and red rooibos tea it became clear the detox stash would be needed too. After a couple of weeks of this things will get better. Your symptoms are probably not as bad but if you're looking for some detoxing at home, here's the regimen.

One major way to recover has been applying the rooibos tea externally with one of these Asian paper face masks (it's soaked in the tea along with some fresh aloe vera, cinnamon and honey).

In order to try and bring moisture back into the skin I've been liberally applying oils and rich creams which are warmed slightly in the microwave.

For under the eyes it's probably hard to find anything thicker than Kiehl's creamy eye treatment with avocado. Weird sticky texture which I wasn't too sure about at first but it does stay in place all night and appears to be working. Aside from some sugar scrubs with lemon and coconut oil, it's nothing too drastic. Just a little extra TLC to get the New Year off on the right track. Lesson learned for the 85th time, diet plays such a huge role but it's fun to be bad. Wishing everyone good health! The best gift of all.

Natural Detoxing Tea Recipe

- 2 Tablespoons red rooibos tea
- 1/2 teaspoon dried orange rind
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon natural honey
- 4 or 5 drops of hot sauce

The ingredients may seem odd and at first the taste can be a real zing but this really made me feel so much better the more that I drank that I ended up drinking it frequently for months. Another fantastic blend that is similar is this one by Kusmi teas. In place of orange it has grapefruit along with green tea and is delicious!

Image: mam for Gave That


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