A Radical Serum // Spa Days


As mentioned in a number of the beauty posts here serums are really my thing. Especially now that it's in the mid 90's and rising. Something about a really good, just out of the fridge serum tapped on prickly hot skin with fingertips... feels so, so good. The one I'm wearing here sans makeup is the latest from Radical Skincare. For more on the lines inspiring inception in burn units and reviews on their bubbly mask and exfoliating pads see my previous post here.
The first things I noticed about the Advanced Peptide Antioxydant serum after squeezing a bit on the back of my hand was it's tint and then it's fragrance. A slightly cucumber and floral scent. It also was unexpectedly thicker than I had envisioned. Almost to the point of a gel-cream. It actually almost feels like a primer likely due to it's having Dimethicone in it which gives a subtle bit of oomph and soft focus to the skin. One reason why I've been reserving it for day time, wearing it under my BB cream and nude foundations lately. On its own too. The biggest perk has been scars fading super quick which I have to attribute to this and all the multi-layers of sunblock applied throughout the day lately. A lovely part of my summer arsenal.
Oh and two words: destination weddings. You need this! Find it here.
Serum c/o Radical Skincare
Hat: vintage
Image: mam for Gave That