Adore Me — Review

Gave That Adore Me Lingerie Gift Find and Review
Vying for the most romantic of subscription services to join and give, see what just arrived from Adore Me. The NYC based purveyor of all things lacy and delicate delivered monthly to your (or a paramour's) door. Keep reading for all the details and...

An Adore Me Review >

Gave That Adore Me Edria Cami Set Lingerie Gift Find
Now I think this is something rather unique. Instead of baubles or a new bit of beauty, this subscription service delivers everything from pretty slips to camis to body shapers each month. Akin to other subscription boxes you can take a style quiz to see a showroom of personal picks or, as I did, you can skip all that and the subscription itself by ordering directly from their online boutique. Keeping in mind the VIP monthly subscription does garner the park of a discount off your first order.

As much as I wanted almost everything I decided to step into the shoes of someone using the service as a way to surprise someone with something sweet delivered which Adore Me can work perfectly for. Following my own previously posted thoughts on buying lingerie to give (e.g. no bras in need of exact cup sizes, no corsets, and the biggest, playing for keeps... not worry about returning anything) I ended up choosing this little black camisole set called Edria from their November showroom. When it arrived my very first thought was could anything be more Gave That? Pink ribbon galore down the front! J'adore.

Literally the same day a notice of shipment came in my inbox and a few days later it was here. One thing I did do was size up on the top which turned out to be the best thing. Unlike some places Adore Me does allow you to mix sizes between matched sets.

Find this set and many other pretty things over here.

Edria cami set c/o Adore Me
Suitcase: vintage

Image: mam for Gave That


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