Brew Something Up

Home Micro-Brewing Kit by Mr Beer Fathers Day Gift Pick by Gift Style Blog Gave ThatHomebrew Beer Making Kit for Newbies and Fathers Day Gift Idea 
After having good success with kombucha tea making at home and taking this beer making tour we felt emboldened to move on to bigger and better things. Plus our dad, who grew up making wine, was all over this kit so that's a Father's Day stamp of approval right there.

Nothing beats the fantastic tour at Yuengling but if that's not doable, this Mr. Beer Gold Edition kit surprisingly is and only takes a few weeks to brew up a batch. Ours is a honey infused light beer and next we ll be going for a dark, rich root beer. It's pretty fascinating how many different things can be added to home brews to make it your own crazy concoction (brown sugar, fruits, berries and so on which the little enclosed guide details).

Order your own kit here.

Image: mam for Gave That


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