Bojagi Gift Wrapping

Watching the walk though was inspiring and it made me think of this vintage blue and gold silk scarf that had been tucked away for some time. A little Bojagi-ish? Real pieces of Bojagi cloth were originally a patchwork of pieces of recycled fabric precisely stitched together in such a way that the finished piece was reversible. The patterns, many of which were rectangular, also look so modern despite their age and have been embraced by quilters (remember Denyse Schmidt, my quilt now reminds me of Bojagi thanks to the exhibit).

At the museum exhibit a number of the modern artists interpretation of Bojagi included paper pieces... definitely going to try that next as a way to reuse gift wrap and create gift bags!
PS... for how to tie the above Bojagi inspired gift see this Lotus Bojagi wrap how-to video by bobowrapper.
Image: mam for Gave That | Museum of Craft and Folk Art SF which sadly is closing its doors this year after 30 years.