Making a Living Wreath

Freshly made wreaths always add that little something, something during the holidays but this year things were slightly different. Along with the fresh juniper greenery it was super simple to add a few succulents here and there. Wrapping the root ball of each hen and chick plant in wet moss and attaching them with florist wire allows the entire wreath to last well after New Years. Then they're re-planted back outside or winter over indoors as house plants. Sedums and turtle ivy are also great picks to tuck in wreaths.
What You Will Need:
- A foam or wire wreath ring form
- Florist moss
- Greenery such as juniper branches
- Succulents such as hen's & chicks or air plants
- Floral wire
- Water mister bottle
- Holiday ornaments (optional)
How To Do It:
It's really easy! Soak the moss for a few hours or overnight and then gently squeeze out much of the water. Tie the damp moss to over your wring. Next cover with your greenery leaving open spaces of moss where your living plants will go. Note: with air plants this step isn't needed. You may want to hot glue your air plants to your wring form instead.
Give a nice mist of water. Add any ornaments and a ribbon to hand. That's it! Try to keep in a sunny place and mist from time to time to keep plants happy.
Image: mam for Gave That