Origami Presents

Origami gift box filled with pearlsOrigami gift boxPink origami gift box filled with vintage pearls

This tiny origami gift box seemed the perfect way to give bits of jewelry. The instructions for it came from a book by Duy & Tramy Nguyen (a very sweet gift from Magda! Thank you so much luv) and uses 6 x 6 inch pieces of Origami paper. Wounder if bits of left over gift wrap would work? With a bit of gold thread attached to one end these make really cute Christmas tree ornaments too.

Origami paper: Japanese Paper Place

Image: mam for Gave That


Unknown said…
I can't do it , can you have me a favor , can i see how you fold and unfold valley fold ?
Please I need this tomorrow on my friends b-day.Thank you
Unknown said…
Can you have me a favor? I need to see the back of your origami . Can i see too how you fold and unfold valley fold ? . that's all . Thank you

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