DIY Furoshiki with Flowers

For a little while now I have been experimenting with the Japanese art of reusable wrapping called furoshiki. Trying various materials such as silk scarves and in this case some favorite vintage napkins that I picked up last year, this has been a surprising way to hide little gifts on guests plates. Drying some wild flowers in the sun and forming a nosegay, these tucked easily into the classic (and most basic) Otsukai Tsutsumi form of furoshiki knot at the top for something a little different. Here is how you can do it too:

How To Do It:
Step 1) Lay your napkin or piece of fabric flat on a hard surface. Position your box in the middle of the fabric so each end lines up with a pointed corner.
Step 2) Take the first corner of the fabric and bring it over the top of your box. Then take the other corner and bring it over top, taking the time to fold the corner underneath so it will not be hanging loosely over the side.
Step 3) Bring the remaining corners of the fabric to the center of the box and tie into a knot to secure. In the center of this knot place the bouquet of flower and then use the remaining fabric ends to wrap around them and tie another knot. That's it! For another view of how to do it see this diagram here and use the first Otsukai Tsutsumi example.

Watch this video to learn the steps to folding the above gift style:
Image: MAM for GaveThat
I LOVE visiting your blog so it needs to be in my blogroll and I found so many other blogs thanks to reading through your posts.
Thank you again for coming over Charissa and wishing you much peace and happy gift designing! -M
I will email over the links to the pictures right now. Please check your inbox. Some might be on flickr too, I'll go and check there as well. Thank you so much for including me, a furoshiki week sounds so cool! Can not wait to see it. -M