Furoshiki Style

Furoshiki Gift Wrapping
{Who needs wrapping paper!?}

For a good while now I've been wanting to switch over completely to the ancient Japanese art of wrapping things, such as gifts, which is known as Furoshiki. Instead of paper which usually gets torn and tossed, this technique uses fabric and intricate folds and knotting to wrap things up. Once unwrapped you can use it over and over again or for something else altogether. Think napkins or... I want to experiment with vintage scarves for two gifts in one.

Furoshiki Gift Bag by Zabelou via etsyWhile I search for the perfect scarf here are a few beautiful and simple examples of Furoshiki from our beloved etsy: Tussah Sage by ecoshikis $9.00, Naturally Dyed by girlwithasword $25.00, Green by goodtogoeco $15.95 and Furoshiki Gift Bag by Zabelou $50.00.

If you want to try it too check out these instructions here or watch the below video.

Image: ecoshikis , girlwithasword, goodtogoeco and Zabelou

Also See:
- Chinese Paper Cut Jianzhi Themed Gift Style


Gave That said…
So glad you feel the same way I do when I gaze at these pictures Kristin--so many ideas!

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