Family Movie Night Party with Smitty

This time we were all able to enjoy a few advance screenings of new releases including the one featuring the adorable shelter dog above, Smitty. For me this turned out to be the absolute gem of the collection and was yet another reminder how some of the loveliest and most treasured films were originally created for little ones.
After the party here are a few snippets of what some thought of the film which stars Peter Fonda, Mira Sorvino and Louis Gossett, Jr. and centers on a troubled 13 year old boy, his single mother, a shelter dog and things learned on his grandfathers Iowa farm:
"Smitty was pretty good but the plot was a bit predictable in a Lassie sort of way. The acting was very good and the film itself, heartwarming. It makes you feel good after seeing it."
"This is a film that will leave anyone watching hard pressed to keep a dry eye, especially with the strained relationship between father (Peter Fonda) and daughter (Mira Sorvino). Many can probably identify with Smitty in some way and the pro-shelter story brought back a lot of memories of adopting our own dog. The shots of American farmland was uniquely beautiful and there were a few unexpected twists at the end."

Something old + candy almost always seem to beguile children:
Vintage film, glass soda pop and milk bottles for drinks.
Classic buttered popcorn, boxed classic theater candy and Grandma Utz sweet potato chips added a neat twist.
Image: mam for Gave That | Film stills © Phase 4 Films