Bright Lights - ph Matchmaker

Physicians Formula ph Matchmaker blush in rose and lip gloss in pink with led lights review from the US
Something new from Physicians Formula is a series of blushes and lip gloss that is supposed to act mood ring-esk and change color according to body chemistry. Does it work? Well I'm not too sure because it always seems turn the same pretty fuchsia hue on everyone. It is interesting to see the change though. What was the real surprise and draw was these actually have little LED lights inside of them! A light up compact similar to Model Mirror hides in the blush and a light up lip gloss wand complete with mirror. Both incognito at the drug store. 

Blush - Physicians Formula ph Matchmaker in Rose
Lip gloss - Physicians Formula ph Matchmaker in Pink

Image: mam & Magda for Gave That


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