DIY Mulberry Flavored Vinegar
What You Will Need:
- White wine vinegar
- Mulberries (or other fruit or berries such as cherries or raspberries)
- Glass containers
How To Do It:
Gently heating about 4 cups of vinegar in the microwave I add about 1/2 to 1 cup of berries and using a fork slightly mash the berries. Allow to sit until the vinegar cools. Then I seal and place in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. Drain the vinegar through a sieve to remove any seeds and the berry pulp and then pour into sterilized glass containers (easily done by microwaving a few seconds). Adding a few whole berries back into the finished vinegars bottle looks particularly pretty and will keep infusing the flavor of the vinegar over time.
Image: mam for Gave That