Regency - Victorian Gift Wrap

Regency through Victorian era gift wrappingPresents wrapped in brown paper red wax seals and twineBrown paper wrapped gifts with red wax seals and twine and a Christmas Cracker Bon Bon gift
"Brown packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things".- The Sound of Music

The Regency era well into the Victorian saw very plainly wrapped gifts, if at all, done in brown papers, sealing wax and twine. Then in the mid 19th century Christmas Crackers (Bon Bons) started to vie for some of the most ornately wrapped gifts at the time. From looking at antique pictures most gifts were not wrapped with silver etched platters, toys, little potted plants such as African Violets and gift books laid as is under the tree.

To see all the eras recreated click to see the full series here.

Image: mam for Gave That


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