John Derian's Ephemera

Wait... John Derian does gift wrap?

For the longest time I've been wanting to wrap a gift that looked like something John Derian would make. Taking a piece from his collection that hangs prominently (and lovingly) on my wall as inspiration I saved up some brown paper, scribblings, rubber stamps and butterflies printed from here (Coloring Castle). Using some color pencils I scratched away. The strategic imperfections are the best part of Mr. Derian's work and something I'm never short on around here, the imperfection that is not necessarily strategy.

Well that's when I find out that John Derian Co. actually sells gift and tissue papers... when did this start? How did I ever miss this? Is that Italian Script gift wrap incredible or what? Look at all the mistakes? Genius! Best of all if someone points out some wrinkle or flub you can say, "pfffft, that's supposed to be there... I'm channeling John Derian!".

Image: MAM for Gave That | John Derian Gift Wrap & Tissue Paper