Built NY x Alexander Girard

mam for gavethat built ny Alexander Girard retrospective bag

Built NY has created these Alexander Girard Retrospective neoprene bags that are so squishy to hold and lay your head on. Making it even more outdoor lawn concert perfect is its ability to keep sodas, apples and sandwiches cool. Artist Alexander Girard's textile designs are a favorite (along with Retrospective, I also picked up Girard's La Fonda, modern art collaborations are clearly my Achilles heel) so these were a must grab. With these I finally found the perfect laptop / ipad sleeve by Built which conveniently fits inside these bags. Too bad I'm not going back to school.

mam for gavethat built ny alexander girard la fonda handbagmam for gavethat built ny alexander girard retrospective bag hanging off 67 classic car

Image: MAM for Gave That


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