Japanese Koh

"I have lots of candles and incenses at home. I prefer Japanese incenses because they have a less strong smell than Indian incenses, which I used to love... I use candles less because they are expensive. Since I let them burn all night, the next day it's all gone... " —Lou Dillon

Antique Japanese Prints: From The Metropolitan Museum of Arts Collection
Incense Burner: from Numi's Single Origin Gift Tea Set
Incense: From Japan
Image: MAM for GaveThat
If you love candles, but hate the short lifespan and burn time, you should check out Scentsy Wickless Candles - ceramic warmers and high quality wax that lasts forever! (Seriously, I've been burning one day and night in my house for like two months now with no decrease in scent.) And without the flame - no fire hazard!