Bring A Game - Hot Hostess Gifts

Couples playing chess

We've all heard the good advice of remembering to bring gifts not only for the host but for any children that the household might have. Well in most cases these gifts were game related. A new boxed game of checkers or Guess Who. Nowadays board games have transcended childhood and can be found in NYC clubs and dive bars to swanky little parties. They're also one of the hottest gifts to bring and leave for the host.

When looking for games to bring and give look for ones that don't require much talking in order to play. Many dive bars and parties have loud music and/or so much background noise from people talking that all you'll be doing is yelling, What!? throughout the entire thing. Also look for games that have quick secession rounds. That way people can jump right in and switch off quickly making it more inclusive and a true party atmosphere. The games shouldn't tune people out from the rest of the gusts or require so much concentration that people can't cheer over each others shoulder. It should be something that draws everyone in and takes the edge off of making connections.

Some of the more popular games include the old standbys of playing cards and boardgames like checkers and Scrabble. Games like domino's and Connect 4 by Milton Bradly on the other hand are starting to form cult followings. To make your gift extra special try to find special editions of more classic games. Also check out museum and novelty gift shops for decorative sets of playing cards and domino's, including ones with scrimshaw, for a gift that can double as something decorative in the home.

Hackberry, Bubinga and Walnut Chess Box
The Hackberry, Bubinga and Walnut Chess Box by Woodmosaics. $200.00 An amazing piece that any host would love to display on their table.


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