How Not To Get Sick While On Vacation

This is one sick kit... quite literally.
What's the best way to have a ruined vacation? Get sick. This was something that literally happened to me at every single hotel or inn I've ever stayed in with the exception of very small family owned inns with few rooms or guests. Can you imagine every single time? It got to the point where I had to turn down numerous invitations. This made me think, why is this happening only when I'm traveling? Come to think of it I've never come down with anything when staying with relatives, friends or even in a tent. This is when I concluded that rooms that saw new guests everyday had high levels of germs that were causing me to be become sick. That's when I decided to come up with a simple kit which so far has worked wonders. Here are the contents and some simple tips:
Simple Steps:
* When it comes to your health going cheap may not always be best. If you can, and have the choice, pick higher priced rooms. These rooms may not see the same level of guests and have a chance to air out between visits. Some hotels and resorts offer packages or deals when you stay a certain number of days. Check out their actual website for the latest offerings.
* Make sure to drink enough water. Dehydration, which can cause the membranes in your nose to dry out, can leave you more susceptible to infection and colds.
* Be your own cleaning lady/man. Bring a travel size can of disinfectant spray (if you're not traveling by air) and/or disinfectant wipes so you can wipe down the surfaces of high use areas such as the dining table, side tables, bathroom and so on.
* Bring flip flops if you are going to be using the pool area.
What To Include In Your Sick Kit:
* Along with the above disinfectant spray or wipes, you may wish to bring hand sanitizer made out of alcohol and aloe vera gel.
* Mouthwash strips or sprays that kill germs.
* Aspirin or Tylenol.
* Essential Oil of Lavender. Weleda makes a wonderful oil that comes in travel sizes. Apply this on your pulse points and at the base of your nose. Along with helping to fight infection it will help to calm you and get you to sleep. Make sure that you choose real lavender oil and not fragrance oils which only give scents without the gem killing benefits.
* If you can also bring essential oil of peppermint or a peppermint foot product. Use this on your feet, especially if you've gone around or will be in the pool area.
* Bring an aromatherapy or herbal eye pillow. Lavender or rose works best.
* Bring green tea and brew it in your room as often as possible. Along with helping to keep you hydrated it will help keep your immune system in check. Try our Rose Orange Green Tea recipe.
Using these tactics have allowed me to travel pretty much without fear and often. It's such a gift to travel with and see loved ones. Here's to a summer to remember for all the right (make that fun) reasons.
Image: by fortphoto.
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