Unique NYC Transit Museum Gifts Online

NYC Transit Museum gift guide
Image: NYC Transit Museum

If you get TONY this week check out the little insert guide inside by Grand Central Station. A Gift Guide it highlights a bunch of giftable items from various stores located inside the station. The coolest gifts hands down were in the Transit Museum gift shop. I'm rather biased as I've always loved shopping at museum and gallery gift shops. Especially the ones that took the time to choose items that were truly unique &/or came from local artisans. The Transit Museum fits the aforementioned to a "T". In the gift guide they featured super cute, very Olga Abadi looking, clutch handbags that were made out of subway maps for rather reasonable prices (about $25 to $45 dollars) and transit card cuff links which were too precious to pass up.

The best part is the Transit Museum has an online catalog so you don't have to drag yourself over to the city or Grand Central for that matter. Check out the museums gift shop catalog online here. Sadly I didn't see either the clutch handbag or those particular cuff links in stock on the site right now but they have a ton of other cute items including that really neat transit logo umbrella.


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