Bring Spring Flowers : Sakura Cherry Blossoms

This time of year and April specifically is what I like to call my cherry blossom nirvana. Sakura, my most favorite spring flower goes into bloom along with its other fruit tree friends, making for a rare opportunity. The best part is you don't have to take a trip to Japan or Washington DC to take them all in. You can bring them right into your home or give them as an unexpected hostess gift.
Most trees are so large that they won't be the wiser to a bit of branch loss, making this an almost free endeavor. This year I was determined to try it myself and have been very pleased by the results. A large assemblage of branches in a simple glass vase has provided delicate blooms and scent for weeks. They're almost spent now but no bother because I'll just snip some more. Gave That says give a bouquet now before all the blooms are gone and make someone smile. A perfect hostess gift to show up with and remember a branch can be forced anytime after it's lost its leaves.
If you want to try forcing your own bouquet visit this site by Oregon State. It's pretty simple to do. Also check out this site, for information on other flowers trees to try, including crab apple and lilacs.

Image: (1) by ღMayuღ and (2) michelleums