Give Twice : Tree Planting Totes - Christie's Offers Prints for Charity

We've found more ways to give twice! is a new line of natural tote bags (shoppers). According to the website for each bag sold, they will plant a tree somewhere in the US. A little bird told us these bags were part of swag scooped up by OSCAR award presenters.

as seen in April's issue of O magazine which has some really, really good articles on friendship you gotta read...

Who knew but Christie's auction house sells small prints by up and coming artists ($20 to $30 range) who give proceeds to their favorite charity. For more information check out

The Urban Socialite found the Louisiana Market Sac, a shopper that will donate 5% from each sale to Katrina New Orleans USA victims.

I just got one of the best catalogs in the mail, even though I really can't stand them, that stood out from the rest called A Greater Gift. It is filled with Give Twice handcrafted gift ideas. Some of which we will feature in upcoming spreads but in the mean time check out their online store at

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